Keep Your Garage Door Oiled


Garage door maintenance is something that is often overlooked or forgotten about by many homeowners. With some basic maintenance tips, a garage door can operate and last for many years to come. Depending on the type of garage door, there may be varying maintenance that should be performed. For a more traditional, older style door that has springs and pulley wires, it is important to inspect and lubricate these on a yearly basis.

It is wise to take note of the wheels on the track. If these are made of nylon, it is best to keep any lubrication away from the track. Nylon wheels will degrade if they come in contact with lubricants. For tracks that have steel wheels, a small amount of lubrication can be applied at the curve of the track. This should be the only place to apply lubrication on the track as dirt and debris can easily accumulate here.

For a more modern style garage door, the door is generally operated by a chain drive. This chain should also be lubricated on a yearly basis, the batteries in the unit and the remotes should be checked and the track itself should be inspected for any unusual where or damage.

With some basic maintenance and yearly checks, the garage door can continue to operate properly for many years.