Garage Door Maintenance Tips For Keeping It In Good Condition

You may not realize that your garage door needs regular maintenance to remain in good working condition, but it’s important if you want to prevent the need for serious repairs that can cost you more money in the long run. That’s why Whitaker Garage Doors wants you to know how to keep your garage door in good condition.

Does My Garage Door Need Regular Maintenance?

High-End Garage Doors in Westchester, NY

Just like anything else with moving parts, your garage door requires routine maintenance from time to time to keep it opening and closing. There are many small parts that can wear down over time. Parts can come loose or freeze up. Your garage door could suffer a breakdown that renders it useless. No one wants that to happen.

Is Garage Door Maintenance Easy?

The good news is that garage door maintenance is relatively easy to perform. Ideally, you should at least perform this maintenance once or twice every year. That should be easy enough to schedule. Then it’s just a matter of going down a checklist of a few simple things that will keep your garage door opening and closing like the day you began using it.

Tips For Keeping Your Garage Door In Good Condition

There are several things that homeowners can do to keep their garage door in good condition for many years. Completing the following list is not very difficult and can save you money by preventing the need for costly repairs or replacements.


Small parts such as screws, bolts, and brackets can loosen over time as your garage door rattles up and down every day. A screwdriver or socket wrench is enough to firmly tighten everything back up. Try to check every screw, bolt, and bracket, and be sure not to overtighten them to prevent stripping.


Greasing the moving parts of your garage door protects them from rusting, keeps them working smoothly, and keeps your garage door opening and closing as quietly as possible. Using silicone-based grease  at least twice a year is the most effective. Apply the grease to the rollers, armbar, and hinges. Be sure to lay a tarp down to catch access grease and keep a rag on hand.


Dirt and grime can buildup over time, which can cause havoc among the small parts of your garage door. Apply brake or grease cleaner to the surface you are cleaning. Use an old toothbrush to scrub. Remove debris such as old leaves away from your garage door. The longer you can keep your garage door clean, the longer it will last.

Check Seals

Rubber seals can shrink and crack, resulting in gaps that let in water and air. Check the seals of your garage door by closing the door while standing inside. If you see light coming through, it’s time to replace the seal. You might feel confident in your ability to replace it yourself and that’s just fine. But if you need professional assistance, Whitaker Garage Doors can send a technician to do it for you.


Weatherstripping prevents rain, snow, and ice from coming under the garage door. It’s a strip that runs along the entire bottom of the door. If you notice cracks or other damage, you should replace the stripping as soon as possible, preferably before the next big thunderstorm.


Examine the garage door cables to make sure they are in good condition. If you see any rust or damage, you should replace them. A cable that snaps will cause the door to sag or fall shut. However, this is a particularly dangerous task so a professional from Whitaker Garage Doors should do the work.


The rollers are one of the most important parts of your garage door. Faulty rollers can cause the door to jump off the tracks, which is definitely not safe. Inspect the rollers for cracks and wear at least twice a year and call a professional from Whitaker Garage Doors if replacement is necessary.


Balance is crucial in a garage door. A garage door with balance issues will not open correctly and can cause damage to parts such as the springs, cables, and other hardware. Check the balance of your garage door by closing it and disconnecting it from the opener. Lift the door open halfway and release. It should stay in place, but if it doesn’t you may need professional adjustment or replacement of the springs.

Water Damage

Regardless of whether your garage door is made of wood or steel, water can damage it. Look for signs of water damage such as staining, rot, and rust. Install flashing to prevent wood rot. Remove rust by using white vinegar to wipe it away. Clean the metal surface thoroughly and then paint over it.

Safety Features

Accidents happen, but your garage door has an auto-reverse eye sensor feature that should prevent them. Test this feature by placing an object under the door. Once the door touches it, it should reverse. If it doesn’t, you’ll need a professional to check it out.

Inspection & Testing

Regularly inspecting and testing your garage door is the best way to keep it operating properly. As long as you do it and make the necessary repairs promptly, you should never have to worry about your garage door failing.

What If My Garage Door Needs Repairs?

Sometimes, regular maintenance is just not enough and repairs will need to be made. While some basic repairs can be done by yourself, some repairs should be undertaken by a professional technician who has the experience, skill, and tools to get the job done right the first time. Whitaker Garage Doors will gladly service your garage door to keep it operating at peak efficiency.

Contact Whitaker Garage Doors Today!

There are some maintenance tips that you can easily perform yourself without professional assistance. But for the more complex maintenance or repairs, Whitaker Garage Doors in Brewster Heights, NY is here when you need us. We specialize in garage door installation and repair. We also offer free estimates. Whitaker Garage Doors proudly serves Putnam County and surrounding communities. To schedule our services, please call our office at 914-690-7883 today!

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