Enhance Your Home’s Value With A Custom Garage Door

custom garage doors

Having a reliable garage door for your home is all well and good, but if you want to increase the value of your home and upgrade your garage door at the same time, ordering a custom garage door from Whitaker Garage Doors at Henry B. Whitaker Inc. is one of the best moves a homeowner can make.

If you plan on selling your home at some point, you naturally want to increase its value. A custom garage door from Whitaker Garage Doors can help you achieve that goal. And if your garage faces the street, the garage door will be one of the first parts of your home that potential buyers see, making it all the more important to make an excellent first impression.

What Is A Custom Garage Door?

Most garage doors are pre-manufactured from wood, metal, or vinyl materials. The purpose of these products is to give customers an affordable option. But while there’s nothing wrong with these garage doors, the designs are mass-produced and can be widely found.  That makes them less unique.

A custom garage door, however, is a specially built garage door to your specifications that is not mass-produced. Therefore, it’s unique, which adds even more beauty and value to your home. Ordering a custom garage door is as simple as contacting Henry B. Whitaker Inc., a company in Putnam County, NY, with seven decades of experience providing customers with unique garage doors that draw attention to their homes.

But how much value will a custom Henry B. Whitaker Inc. garage door add to your home?

How Much Will A Custom Garage Door Increase My Home’s Value?

According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2022 Cost vs Value Report, a homeowner who spends $4,000 to replace their garage door can expect a return of approximately $3,700 on their investment. That’s a whopping 93 percent recouped cost!

The high return on investment alone should be enough for homeowners to consider ordering a custom garage door to replace their current one. But it’s not just about return on investment that you should consider when considering a custom garage door. They add so much more.

Ways A Custom Garage Door Increases Home Value

custom garage door

A garage door is more than just monetary value. The five ways a custom garage door can add value to your home are about performance and appearance.

Curb Appeal

If your garage door doesn’t catch the eye of your neighbors and potential buyers, you’re probably not going to get the best bang for your buck on the investment. Your garage door needs curb appeal, which a custom garage door can provide to your home.

Henry B. Whitaker Inc. can help you design the perfect garage door for your home. You can choose from several materials, including steel, vinyl, wood, and fiberglass. In addition, we offer many different style choices, from long panels and short panels to carriage style, recessed style, raised style, flush style, and more. You can even pick the color.

Energy Efficiency

A garage door should be energy efficient to maintain a comfortable temperature throughout your home. The good news is that a custom garage door can include all the energy-efficient bells and whistles you need, including weatherstripping and insulation. Aim for a garage door with high thermal resistance or R-value. You’ll save money on energy costs and reduce noise from outside.

Works With Your Home Style

A garage door that doesn’t enhance or work with your home’s existing exterior won’t add value. You want your garage door to stand out, but you don’t want it to clash with the rest of the home. Some home styles are more suitable for specific styles of garage doors. For example, a Victorian home would benefit from the carriage style. Take special care to pay attention to the minor details, too, such as the handles, latches, and hinges. These details can provide a close-up appeal to potential buyers.

Reduces Maintenance And Repair Costs

A custom garage door can be more substantial than a regular garage door. And because of this fact and the fact that it’s brand new, you’ll see fewer maintenance and repair costs, which will also appeal to potential buyers.

Strengthens Security And Safety

A more robust garage door also means better security. You can add sensors, locking mechanisms, and other features to your garage door to keep you and your family safe and secure. Security features have seen many high-tech improvements over the years, including rotating security codes, remote operation, and alerts on your devices. Taking advantage of these modern improvements will also make potential buyers feel safe in your home.

How Much Does A Custom Garage Door Cost?

The cost of a custom garage door is generally more than the cost of a pre-manufactured door. It could even be double the regular price, but adding value to your home is worth it. The final cost will depend on several factors, including size, openers, insulation, materials, and style you choose. If you want a garage door with an intricate design made of wood, you will be paying more than if you choose a simpler garage door made of steel or aluminum. We can manufacture your door from many kinds of wood, including Mahogany, Sapele, Western Red Cedar, Knotty Cedar, Pine, Ash, Ipe, and White Oak.

But again, it all depends on what you want and how much you are willing to spend. Henry B. Whitaker Inc. offers free estimates so you will know your project’s approximate cost before placing an order.

Increase Your Home’s Value With Henry B. Whitaker Inc. Today!

custom garage door

Henry B. Whitaker Inc. is a family-owned business committed to providing our customers with the best garage doors. We will work with you to design and manufacture a custom garage door that looks great with your home and will turn heads when people pass by. We proudly serve Putnam County and surrounding communities in New York. To order a custom garage door or to learn more, contact us at our office at 914-690-7883 today!

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