Garage Door Replacement in Westchester County


Garage doors require a lot more maintenance than most people recognize. Like anything else, garage doors don’t last forever, and it’s important to know when it’s time to replace your garage doors. Here are a few signs that you should look out for when it’s time for garage door repair in Westchester County. Since 1949, Whitaker Garage Doors has provided clientswith top-quality garage door improvement projects at exceptional value.

There is major wear and tear

This is probably the most obvious sign, but if your garage door in Westchester County is simply falling apart, or has rusted locks and bolts, it’s definitely time for a replacement. When the garage door is not opening or closing properly or there are noises coming from the bolts, then calling in an inspector is your best bet.

A garage door that does not work well can post serious safety risks, especially for families with small children. If a garage does not operate properly, then it may be an invitation to unwanted intrusions from animals or worse.

The bills are going up

If you notice an increase in your energy bills over a series of months, this could be a sign that you need to replace your garage door. Not many people would put this into consideration. However, garage doors play an important role in helping to maintain the temperature and energy efficiency of the home.

A garage door repair can help you cut back on your energy bills. Think of it this way. If your garage door is not blocking out as much cold air as it probably should, you may be raising your heat more, or in the summertime cranking up the AC. Much of that could be the result of a broken garage door.

Operating Difficulties

Any malfunction or inability to operate a garage door safely and effectively is a sure sign the door needs repair in Westchester County. Because a garage door and its mechanics are more complicated and more difficult to repair than it seems, to contact a professional for an assessment and estimate to repair or replace your garage door. A professional will be able to recommend garage door repair or replacement as well as what’s the best option for batteries and mechanical operations.

For more information or to schedule your garage door service in Westchester County, contact us at (914) 962-9873.

Whitaker Garage Doors are experts in garage door repair. If you have any questions pertaining to garage door repair in Westchester County, Rockland County, Dutchess County, Putnam County, or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Whitaker Garage Doors, contact us at (914) 962-9873.

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